Saturday, March 19, 2011

Cat in a Box

He knew it was too good to be true...
Surprise Content (1909)
Sal Meijer

'Just Fit' by Natsuo Ikegmai

"White Cat" (1919) by M.C. Escher

Allison Cole (via we say meow)

'Cat in a Box' by Carol Justin

'Sharing a bos' by Nicole Wong


  1. Awwww! These are just great! Nicole Wong's in particular made me laugh. I have a photo of my own cat in a box - we were packing and she hopped in. What is it with cats and boxes (and newspapers - they have to sit on them)?

  2. Thanks!

    My cat prefers luggage. ;) That one I understand, but the fascination with boxes, not so much.
