Friday, May 29, 2009

Brontosaurus adrift and twittering

Check out New Hampshire illustrator Katie Vernon. There is a lot of understated humour in her layered and textured work. She can not resist illustrating puns and sayings. Here is her calendar for June ("if april showers bring may flowers, what to may flowers bring?")

and a flowered hedgehog

from her blog.

But this project is genius: she is illustrating 'tweets' (if you haven't fallen into the twitterverse blackhole, or steadfastly ignore the twee naming scheme, a 'tweet' is a maximum 140 character posting on one's twitter blog). These can be found on tweets illustrated.

This really appeals to my love of typography!

Some of her illustrations from her site:

Tree Destroyers - a veritable wunderkammer of hazards to trees.

Bye-Bye Brontosaurus

She also has an etsy shop called ChipmunkCheeks

{More or less via Blossem}

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